Looking for Annie

When I first heard about “The ride of her life: the true story of a woman, her horse, and their last-chance journey across America,” by Elizabeth Letts, I was intrigued. I finally read it, and fell in love with Annie and her story. I was so taken by it that when it came time for my birthday road trip, which was planned for visiting Paris and Norway (Maine), I asked my patient husband if we could do a side tour through Minot and Mechanic Falls in search of Annie.

I didn’t do my homework very well. I did see on our atlas “Annie Road” but there was no sign for it. We did find the Maple Grove Cemetery, where she is buried, but I naively thought that it would be a small cemetery and we would just stumble upon (or over) her headstone, which has etched on it: “Last of the saddle tramps.” Alas, this is a very large cemetery! There is an index online but I wasn’t quite clear on how to use it to find Annie, who is buried in the Libby family plot. So, another quest for another day. Meanwhile, I did get to see Annie’s old stomping grounds.

I liked this book so much that I have bought several more copies to give as gifts to some of my horse loving kin. I was never a horse woman, but I do love a good tale. This book shines with good hearted people who helped Annie and her animals along the way, and I loved how her story unfolded. And how wonderful that she is from Maine! The Long Island Community Library has a copy of this book, which is dedicated to the memory of another Annie, Annie Donovan, who also loved this book.

Update! My more clever friend Melissa had better success in finding Annie’s headstone, and was kind enough to provide better details, so next time I should have an easier time finding the headstone.

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