Tag Archives: John Shutt

April is National Poetry Month

I like this idea – creating book spine poetry. Apparently you pile up some books with great titles, and create a poem! Here’s an example:

Look Whos There Poem 500x373 2012 Book Spine Poem Gallery

For more ideas see:


On a different note, I just read an awesome book of poetry: Blood Red Dawn, by Jon Shutt. Jon Shutt served in Iraq and Afghanistan, and as a way to cope with PTSD he turned to poetry. On the back of the book it says: “72 of Jon’s poems appear in this collection. Searing, soaring, gut-wrenching, sardonic, philosphical.” I would highly recommend this book to anyone who has either served, or has a loved one who is either serving or who has in the past, and especially for those who suffer from PTSD.

Finally, the Long Island Community Library has recently purchased Richard Blanco’s poetry books: City of a hundred fires, and Looking for the Gulf Motel. As most of you know, Maine poet Richard Blanco read a poem for President Obama’s inauguration this past January, and now he is getting incredible exposure and accolades in Maine and beyond.

So, lots of ways to immerse yourself in poetry: creating and reading poetry is an excellent way to start! (and try to get to some poetry readings this month – there’s nothing like hearing a poet read his or her own poetry)