This month, in the midst of celebrating a Celtic Christmas, Evergreen United Methodist Church, on our fair island, was honored to host Abraham Schechter, the Special Collections Librarian at the Portland Public Library, and his wife Angelika, who shared with us about Christmas in Wales, as seen through the eyes of Dylan Thomas, the famed Welsh poet. After reading to us, “A Child’s Christmas in Wales,” Abraham showed us photographs of Swansea and Thomas’ home, where Abraham was fortunate enough to be the writer-in-residence at Dylan Thomas’ home. (At another point, Abraham spent some time at The Kilns, the home of C.S. Lewis in England, so he is indeed a man blessed to live amongst the homes of these two amazing literary men). One can also visit Dylan Thomas’s boathouse, including enjoying tea on the Taf Estuary.
For more about Abraham’s time at Dylan Thomas’ home, you can read his blogspot, La Vie Graphite: writing in wales – Blogger